
The Greatest Story Never Told Pt. 1

Many years ago, two peoples fought mercilessly against each other for control of the sea which gave them life. Over hundreds of years the fighting continued with neither side showing any sign of advance. Late one evening, village elders from the Northern fighting force sat around a fire with their shahman. As the smoke billowed around the flame lit faces of the men, the Shahman had a vision.
“It is time my brothers, for this war has a prophet to save us from eternal bloodshed. A boy shall be born, he will rise up and bring us victory.”
The shahmans trance withered away nearly as soon as it came on. The elders began spreading the word, and soon two new factions arose; one side to protect the prophet, and another to destroy him.
Still…many years later, the prophecy had not been forgotten. After many thousands of boys had been slaughtered still, hope existed that the chosen one would be born, a great warrior. Prophecies, you see, have a nasty habit of fulfilling themselves when they are truly necessary.

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