
Part Two: The Subject

Karley and her boyfriend of two years sat in the sunlight that poured through the leaves of the ever growing trees. For the past…every moment she could remember, if she’d been alone, she felt that someone was watching her. Paranoia would slip in at odd times. Some nights, she’d swear she heard a camera lens snapping just outside her window. Daniel explained to her that it was nothing, her imagination. She’d let him coax her into believing that, but just now, she’d heard it again. This time, so had Daniel. A man with long, greasy black hair and a dark coat with a camera hanging around his neck approached them. She instinctively grabbed Daniel’s hand.
“Hello. My name is Cliff. I’ve been watching you, Karley.”
Daniel stood quickly and shoved Cliff away.
“Stay back, guy.”
Karley reached into her pocket, quickly dialing 911. Moment’s after she ended the silent call, Cliff reached into his pocket.
“I’ll do anything for you.”
A gun. Black and shiny, and pointed at Daniel. Gasps from the men and women around them.

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