And We Shall Call Them...
… Stories. Yes, I know, it’s boring. You do have to agree, we are here to tell stories. If we can’t agree on that, then I doubt we’ll have much to talk about.
There’s been a lot of talk around comment threads, facebook and the support site about what exactly we should call these things we’re writing here on Ficly. I won’t go through all the permutations, but there are some creative ones out there.
There’s no getting around the fact that a great number of the Ficly community was a part of ficlets, so the urge to call these tiny bits of fiction we’re writing. If we want to call them “ficlets”, that’s fine. The name “ficlets” was borrowed from the fan fiction community to describe partial stories, so it’s not like the word can be trademarked, so you can definitely use it to describe your stories. We won’t be using it on the site to describe them, partly to avoid any possible risk of someone coming after us for infringing a trademark.
To keep this short, you are all welcome to continue calling them ficlets. It’s a perfectly good word. But, on the site and in all of our official Ficly duties, we’ll be calling them stories.
I hope that helps clear up any confusion. Now, go write some stories!
The Fantastic Mister Fish
One Time, One Chance
Ana Cristina
blusparrow (LoA)
OrangeOreos (LoA)
THX 0477
Turtles :)
StudMuffin (LoA)