“We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.”
~T.S. Eliot
For me the purpose of any artistic endeavor is exploration. A painting can lead you down the tortured streets of Guernica. A symphony may take you the heights of eroica. A sculpture can put you right back in the golden age of Greece. As a writer where will you take your reader?
Aside from where the consumer of art can be lead, there is where the artist himself may wander in the creative process. From the depths of one’s own guilt may come a masterpiece of suspense set to the beat of a guilty heart. One man’s search of boundless expression could produce seemingly random paintings that still say so much. As a writer, to what well will you go for inspiration?
May the journey be kind to you, and the discoveries worth the exploration.