Ficly-tiquette: Sequels, Prequels, and Major Tom
“If you want to be incrementally better: Be competitive. If you want to be exponentially better: Be cooperative.” ~Unknown
What a beautiful thing it is for the human mind to create out of its own depths a work of artistic expression. How much more beautiful is that creative act when it becomes a cooperative effort, the joint brainchild of two or more writers. Ah yes, that is when, here on Ficly, we have that elusive and prized magical creature, the Coop Story.
There is just something amusing and fun about writing characters and honestly not knowing what they’ll do next. The exercise of continuing another author’s style, narrative voice, or take on a genre can also be an opportunity for growth as a writer. Or, on a more self-serving note, it’s one way to get at least one comment, as the person you sequel or prequel is bound to comment on it.
So, in an effort to encourage more of this sort of thing, this sort of thing that happens to be one of the basic points and purposes of the site [hint, hint], I thought I might lay down two ground rules and invite you to add your own for discussion.
1. When you sequel or prequel something by someone else, tag your piece with ‘sequel’ or ‘prequel’. That way, those of us who like this sort of interplay can use the search feature to find them more easily.
2. If a story is posted here on Ficly, the assumption will be that the author desperately wants you to prequel or sequel. If that’s not the case, please indicate so in a comment on your own story.
So let it be written; so let it be awesome.