
Hail to the New, Farewell to the Old

“Sometimes the lights all shining on me
Other times I can barely see
Lately it occurs to me
What a long strange trip it’s been.”

Being somewhat at a loss for words, that will have to suffice as a farewell, though it’s intended as a grateful farewell…pun intended for those that know the reference.

In more cheerful news, the new regime has been decreed! Huzzah, huzzah, and all hail! For your blogging enjoyment may I present to you your new Blogger in Chief, the esteemed Elshahawk. She has graciously accepted the responsibility of seeing that something of inspiration, something of direction, something of edification gets put up on the blog from time to time.

Firstly, she shall be assisted in this endeavor by ‘The Bullpen’, a cadre of reputable writers indeed, consisting of BARomero, H.S.Wift, Robert Quick, Sir Bic, and Tad Winslow! Secondly, she shall be assisted by all of you. Rather than speak for her I shall defer and allow her to direct you on how, when, and in what form that assistance might come. Just know that we are shifting from the previous model, me as the ‘Blogger in Residence’, to a more collaborative model for the site’s blog.

Thank you to all for your participation, patience, and encouragement; and huge thank you’s to Elsha and her bullpen members for stepping up! I will still be around from time to time, just not as frequently or as prolifically as I might like.

12 comments Posted 2011-06-11 Author: THX 0477


  • Robert Quick

    Awesome! While I am sorry to see you go, I am excited to see what the new bloggers bring to the mix…

  • H.S. Wift

    Huzzah! Hail! Hurray! Hurrah! Hamburger!

    The torch, baton, scepter, reins and kidney stone have been passed! Firstly, congrats to Elsha for becoming the new Chief Editor of the Ficly Times. Secondly, thanks to THX for around two years of awesomosity. And thirdly, yay ’cause I get kinda giddy when I see my name in print. Even my pseudonym.

    HS out.

  • Krulltar

    “There is a road, no simple highway
    Between the dawn and the dark of night
    And if you go no one may follow
    That path is for your steps alone”

    So long dear friend, till I read you again.

  • Tad Winslow

    We’ll be doing a great job if we can live up to the quality of your posts, THX0477. Thank you for your diligent, elegant, and intelligent posts. Your perspectives and insights will be missed in the Ficly blog.

    A larger venue surely awaits you.
    I wish you the best.

  • Sir Bic

    Those that come to Ficly soon realize it’s what they‘ve been looking for: a place where people will read what they write. It’s as if we hear a voice say: … “If you write it, they will comment.”…
    Comments are what make our Ficly community special, and you sir are a big part of that specialness. For the comments you have given to each and every one of us, and for your Ficlicious contributions, you will be sorely missed. We look forward to a periodic return.

    C-ya-round, Doc

    I stand ready to assist Madame Elsha our Blogger In Chief and all my fellow bullpen members in any way I can.

    To do your bidding,
    Sir Bic

  • ElshaHawk (LoA)

    Following in the steps of Scalzi (way back on Ficlets) and THX will not be easy with such high standards set by their preceding work!
    I am extremely humbled and honored to take up the torch and carry the ficly flame forward. I’m also glad I have a team with me to help shoulder the burden!

    The basic game plan is this:
    1. Collaborate with the Bullpen, possibly creating a forum-type place where posts can sit in a queue, where bullpen members can post suggestions and help create lists of topics.
    2. Decide on the order of topics and entries, along with frequency of posts.

    If you are not in the bullpen and have a post idea, or have drafted a post, send me a note! I can fit guest posts in anywhere!
    Members of the Bullpen with ideas now, note me.

  • Melia

    Sorry to see you go THX, but congrats to you Elsha and BARomero and everyone else. I am sure the awesome will continue under your care :)

  • cthulhuburger

    I don’t recognize the name of BAROmero (though I’ve probably seen him/her around), but all of the others are fine and upstanding members of the Ficly community. Congrats to them all, and thanks to THX for having done an excellent job in his tenure!

  • ElshaHawk (LoA)

    UPDATE: Bullpen members have received a note (or two) telling them that I have set up a forum for putting our ideas all in one place. Once members are in, I will lock the registration, blocking a few categories off to bullpen members only, and then open up a few other categories for guests (that’s you ficly family!) to post your own ideas and guest blog posts. I don’t want to exclude anyone; there are just times when some secrets need to be kept!

  • ElshaHawk (LoA)

    UPDATE 2: The Bullpen is in place, the first blog is in creation, and the first decision is being voted on. Exciting!
    IF you think you want to contribute a blog EVER in the history of Ficly, or if you want to share contest ideas, fundraising ideas, or spy on the Bullpen (you curious creatures, you!) go to
    You will see and be able to read the Notes Forum as a guest. You will not be able to post anything until you register. It is free and safe. Go ahead and register and use your ficly penname. It will tell you the admin (me) has to approve. (I want to avoid spam bots as much as possible.) I will, of course, approve your registration and then you will be able to view a host of forums, post new topics, and share your ideas. It will pop up a donation page the first time you visit after your registration, but clicking on ‘Board Index’ will make it go away.

  • ElshaHawk (LoA)

    Oh AND we’ve been voting that Wednesdays are the official blog update days. So expect one blog a week, unless special things are going on.

  • Wednesday [PJ] ((LoA))

    I’m glad that the male run Bullpen is run by a lady as authoritative and beautiful as my dear Elshanor :)