July: Challenge Yourself!
This month, let’s focus on the Ficly challenge.
Challenges are great ways to flex your writing muscles. Enter them for entertainment, for creative exercise, or to vainly get comments. No seriously, those who create challenges will read your work. Most often, those who enter and compete against you will also read your entry and leave a comment. Read theirs back. Comment on each other’s entries constructively and play fair.
Challenges are fun to create as well. Entries always surprise you! Set a deadline of at least a couple weeks and check back every day to read entries and leave comments.
Notice a theme? Comments are HUGE on ficly, and frankly, folks, I have not seen many of them flying around..
Part of this website is the family atmosphere which cannot be upheld if everyone is silent.
Go where the fun is.. to the challenge page! Let’s renew our friendships by telling our Ficly writing buddies about a cool new challenge to enter and then comment on the entries.
Challenge each other to make a challenge, enter all the challenges, or comment on all the entries. Challenge yourself to write the longest comments possible.
So go make challenges!
Go enter challenges!
Challenge your neighbor!
Challenge yourself!
(Start by commenting below. Got challenge advice? Comment advice? tell us!)