Merry Monthquel: Redux
Merry Monthquel, one and all. I couldn’t be more pleased with this initial celebratory month of cooperative creativity. I’m horrible at numbers and tracking things, but it seemed like I was seeing a lot of great sequels and prequels bouncing around out there.
The response to my challenge was phenomenal! I had a heck of a time choosing a winner but choose one I did. As promised, here is the link to the winning story, Beyond These Walls. RoseTone gave a great starter, and his peers didn’t disappoint with sequels and a prequel with an as-of-yet-undecipherable allusion.
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the runner up, A Cruel New Policy, a controversial piece by Robert Quick that triggered a slew of sequels that turned a bit of fiction into a heated debate.
Thanks to everyone, not just those who entered, but also those who bounced around throwing on awesome sequels and prequels (Sinister Hellbilly, I’m looking at you!), both in the challenge and just out and about in ficly.
Happy Ficlying, and one last Merry Monthquel!