Mixing Up Character Description (by H.S. Wift)
As any writer will tell you, the key to a good story is good characters. Characters need definition, because without definition, they are empty, soulless vessels, incapable of conveying emotion to our readers. If you fail to describe, you describe to fail. There. Stings doesn’t it?
There are different ways to do this, so try and change it up! Maybe describe one character by her actions; “She lashed out with a beautiful leg, digging her long, sharp heels into his fleshy waist”, and another as they’re noticed; “He emerged from the shadows, and my eyes were immediately drawn to his beaten, bloody face, betraying the downtrodden man it belonged to.”
But it’s not all just describing characters and mixing up your style, you also have to use the right words. ‘The quick brown fox’ didn’t ‘jump over the lazy dog’, instead, ‘The nimble, agile vixen leapt over the slothlike mutt, as the moonlight hit her beautiful coat of fur with its dazzling bronze sheen’. Abandon the mundane and embrace the extravagant! Red is crimson. Cut is gash. Long black hair is an ebony mane. Yes, you should mix in ‘red’ and ‘cut’ sometimes, but I encourage you to expand your vocabulary.
Secondly, a character’s appearance depends on the genre. Even if it’s just the name for a piece of clothing, genre counts. Batman has a cape, whereas the members of the Fellowship of the Ring each had cloaks. There is no real difference, except for the name, and that capes generally flow better.Don’t forget to describe their traits, either. Maybe they’re a big, bad troll, or an undead monstrosity, or perhaps they have a robotic arm. Even their name and backstory are affected. Be true to your genre!
The most important aspect of character is a weakness. Anyone from any genre can be hindered by memories of a painful childhood, or by evil people who surround them and constantly hold them back from rising to the challenges they face. All characters must have a weakness because it reminds us of their human side.
Lastly, none of what I have said really matters unless you stick to your style. If you fail to write in your own unique voice in the process, then you have successfully defeated the purpose. Love your own brain. It’s always better than you think it is.
smdasilva {LoA}
ElshaHawk (LoA)
THX 0477