Welcome to 2011!
I’d like to start this year by proclaiming a new celebration. The month of January, yes the entire month, shall now be known as ‘Monthquel’, the month for celebrating the sequel and the prequel. For those who don’t know, one of the very cool things about this site is that you or anyone else can jump right into a story and add a sequel or prequel. Most authors consider it the highest form of praise, so don’t be shy about it.
I mean, after all, it is Monthquel after all.
To celebrate, first of all, go jump into someone else’s literary universe, invade their creative orbit, and throw a sequel or prequel onto their ficly. Second, if someone does it to you: Step 1) Rejoice! Step 2) Come back here and post a link to that wonderful sequel or prequel. Step 3) Go do it to someone else! Step 4) If you feel the need, go and use the potty.
I’m not sure if all those steps apply directly, but I don’t see any harm. We can all use a reminder now and again, right. Also, keep your eyes peeled for a sequel/prequel themed challenge from yours truly in the next week.
Happy Ficlying, and Merry Montquel!