

This blog post brought to you by the letter ‘N’, the number 50,000, and your fellow ficlyteer H.S. Wift.

Hey, Ficlers!

You may or may not be aware that November is the National Novel Writing Month. The National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo, is a worldwide competition that is masquerading as a national competition. The aim is to write a novel of about 50,000 words or 175 pages, but you have to write it in 30 days.

You’re not allowed to write anything for your 50,000 words until November 1st, but feel free to come up with a plot or background or blurb beforehand. Just get an idea in your head and see where it takes you come November-time. They can’t stop you from writing anything before the first, but as ficlers I trust you’ll do the right thing if you feel like writing outside the 1,024 character box.

I’ll be entering and I hope a good few of you will too. God knows if anyone can do it, it’d be someone from ficly. If you run the sprint several times a day for fun, you should be able to handle the marathon, eh?

Note from THX: If you complete a novel and choose to post it some form of public domain electronically, we’ll have a blog post at the end of December where you’ll be able to post a link, if you so choose, in the comments section. Now, posting does change later publishability, licensing, etc., so maybe don’t if you think you’ll pursue professional publication. Still, I thought I could at least provide a forum for putting up links for those who want to share.

38 comments Posted 2010-10-24 Author: THX 0477


  • Anonymuncule

    I’m a big fan of NaNoWriMo and I fully support this message.

  • Tesseract

    Heh… If I could stretch something out to 50,000 words, I’d published by now. Good luck to those who do set out on the literary equivalent of the Boston Marathon. I’ll stick to the 1024-Character Dash. ^^d

  • ElshaHawk (LoA)

    Well, I hafta try. My third year. I won once, lost once, and now have seen both sides of the game. I’d appreciate some notes of encouragement all month long. :)

  • What Is Love?

    I’m in the same situation as EH, but I’m going to try hard and hopefully finish this year.

  • August Rode

    Go get ’em, ElshaHawk and o. penguins!

  • Robert Quick

    Sounds fantastic! I believe in most of our Ficly brethren but especially you Elsha! I would be a cheerleader for you any day. I am going to try also but I’m not sure where my strengths lie, so if anyone has an idea please send me a note or something. Good luck to all and cheers!

  • Elizabeth Gallenberg

    I’m so excited for NaNoWriMo! This will be my ninth year participating (only two wins under my belt, sadly!) and I have a good feeling about this one.

    I also expect I’ll be writing a lot of Ficlys during November. Why is it that I only get ideas for stories B, C, and D when I absolutely must work on story A?

  • THX 0477

    Now, when y’all say ‘win’, are you submitting uit somewhere or just managing to complete the novel?

  • ElshaHawk (LoA)

    you copy/paste your entire work into a special box on the nano website that counts it for you, and if you have 50K or more words, you are declared a winner by the website, earning a badge and often a free proof copy from createspace.. sorry I am not up on the current prizes.

  • Kihd

    Sounds fun but SO challenging! Perfect.

  • Tad Winslow

    I think I might try it this year. I know I can write 50,000 words in a month, no problemo, but to make it worthy of reading? That’s an entirely different story. Maybe I’ll just ramble on until I win..haha… although, doing that might secure a permanent seat on the crazy train just for me… d’oh.

  • ElshaHawk (LoA)

    actually, tad, the premise IS to sorta ramble, not to make something worthy of reading the first time. :) NO EDITING ALLOWED. Well, as little as possible. ;)

  • Tad Winslow

    Only a little less than 6 pages a day! ( I scoff— secretly terrified).

  • Tad Winslow

    Oh, well, then I’m definitely gonna ride that crazy train to victory. Cheers! Here’s to paying some lame therapist for the rest of my life. J/k

  • ElshaHawk (LoA)

    1,667 words a day. My goal is 2000 due to holiday breaks.. that gives me 2 extra days for messing up!

  • ethelthefrog

    This will be my fifth time. I got 25k words last year, in 15 days, before family commitments got in the way. Let’s see what this year brings. Bring it on.

  • Mostly Harmless

    I didn’t know you were a fellow Brit Ethel!

    Best of luck this year – will keep checking your user profile…

  • ElshaHawk (LoA)

  • Elizabeth Gallenberg

    Here’s me:

  • Stovohobo

    This’ll be my second year, but it looks like I’ll have even more things in the way than last year. We’ll see…

  • humoresques

    Feel free to be my writing buddy. It’s my first year doing this, and I hope to finish my novel. :D

  • H.S. Wift

    First year, but I made an account prematurely anyway. I didn’t wanna get caught up in the admin.

  • bluefish

    I still don’t know what I’m going to write. :o The horror! The horror!

  • Saint Chuck

    I have been neglecting my writing for so long but Ficlyfolk: Saint Chuck is back with a bang – diving headfirst into NaNoWriMo.

  • Garsecg

    Alas, I don’t really have time to read most of the stuff on this site as it is. I certainly won’t have time to do it this year. Probably…

  • Saint Chuck

    It’s official.

  • See More

    I’ve decided to try my hand at NaNoWriMo this year for the first time. I’m hoping to not completely bomb at it.

    I’ve taken one of the ficlets that I did here as the Prologue for it! is what I’m basing my entire NaNo on.

    Good luck to everyone participating.

  • Mr.Gabriel

    You had me at Ficlers.

    I thought we were Ficlyteers?

  • THX 0477

    I usually say Ficlyteers, but H. S. Wift wrote this one. I felt bad changing his terminology, so there you have it. Besides, we’re kind of nonconformist here, so I think people can use whatever labels they want.

  • cthulhuburger

    See you all November 1st! Best of luck!

  • Tad Winslow

  • Jer Ray

  • derek balsam

    I did NaNo for the first time last year and got to 35,000. It was wonderful for my novel, and dreadful for my personal life. I’ve spent the last year finishing and polishing what I started last NaNoWriMo and I’m more pleased with it every day.

    Buddy me at

  • derek balsam

    I did NaNo for the first time last year and got to 35,000. It was wonderful for my novel, and dreadful for my personal life. I’ve spent the last year finishing and polishing what I started last NaNoWriMo and I’m more pleased with it every day.

    Buddy me at

  • The Fantastic Mister Fish
    Something tells me I won’t win. But WOO OPTIMISM!

  • Ana Cristina

    This is my very first NaNoWriMo and I am soooo excited. :D

  • LinKerralSanar

    I’m insane. And very behind schedule.

  • The Squibz

    Whoa… Wish I could go for it. Not enough time.