
NaNoWriMo Completion Post

It is done…or at least pretty close.

November is drawing to a close and thus is National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo. Based on the response to the last blog post on this subject a fair number of our fellow Ficlyteers have been participating in this marathon of creative writing, the nationwide challenge to write a 50,000 word novel within the month of November. If you didn’t, let’s give them a hand for diving into a truly challenging creative endeavor.

[Pause for clapping, assorted cheers, and general brouhaha]

For those who did participate, good for you! Whether you managed that incredible word count by the deadline or not that was a heck of a thing to even attempt. I sorely wanted to, but I just didn’t see how to fit it in without compromising my work or pissing off my wife irreparably. One must have priorities.

Please, if you would, let us know that you attempted NaNoWriMo and how it went. Did you make the deadline? How many words did you manage? Anyone require emergency carpal tunnel syndrome surgery? I will also be posted a challenge this evening daring you to pitch your NaNoWriMo novel, somehow fit a plot synopsis into ficly length. Look for it in the Challenges section, and Happy Ficlying to all!

8 comments Posted 2010-12-01 Author: THX 0477


  • Anonymuncule

    Failed miserably, I must say. The novel is about half-finished. National Novel Writing Month was also mid-terms and crunch time for all of my classes. I could continue with excuses, of which I have many, but the end result is humbling failure. Perhaps this is why many people choose periods of inactivity to write…

  • Elizabeth Gallenberg

    My novel is contrived, nonsensical, derivative, formless, internally contradictory, and wholly riddled with typos.

    It is also 50,076 words long SO YEAH TAKE THAT NANOWRIMO!

    (This was my ninth attempt, third win, and I really feel like I took a level in Getting It Done Anyway, which is awesome.)

    Congrats to everyone who won — or even tried! Nanowrimo is a very special thing and you should be proud of being a part of it for any amount of words.

  • H.S. Wift

    My amazing sci-fi mixed with pure fantasy novel fell early on, a combination of hardwired lack of concentration and mock revision meant I only reached 9500 words before the claxon of my doom sounded.

  • Abstract

    I did it. Ended up with 51,477 words.

  • Marli

    Congrats to all above and all who tried. BRAVO.

  • Murj;

    I didn’t find out about this until yesterday or so, but I couldn’t have let it get in the way of my uni work. Which I’m totally on top of. Cough

    Pat on the back to those who attempted though, and another to those who succeeded! :)

  • The Electric Hillbilly

    Way cool blog post, THX man! I have known about the challenge for quite some time, but I’d have to lock myself up in the outhouse for the entire month to get it done. And while I was there, can’t help but think that I’d run out of toilet paper & we all know what the next best thing is when you have a writing tablet in hand. Ouch!!!!

  • ethelthefrog

    OK, so it’s January now… I did NaNo, and I got 50,176 words before the deadline. Go me. First time I’ve won it, fifth time I’ve tried. It’s hard. Not least because I took a hit early on and the very day I caught up, I wrote zero words. Anyway, it was great fun and I recommend it to anyone crazy enough to try.