Sequels Are Awesome!
I don’t know about you, but I am heaving a huge sigh of relief over the completion of NaFicWriMo.
Some of the things felt rushed and I learned that I prefer to take my time and craft a story, really fall in love with it, over having a deadline and some pressure. The most the deadline did for me was nag at me to do something.
I picked up the proverbial pen and spewed forth words, but without the quality I desire for every piece. Some of them felt flat. That’s okay.
June is over. So let us move forward to the new challenge: SEQUELS
Go back over your NaFicWriMo entries, or even old Ficlies if you missed the June fun, and let the real gems inspire you to add more. I know I have a few.
If you can’t find any, go find someone else’s story and sequel them. EVEN IF a sequel already exists! This is what ficly is designed for: multiple threads of one story.
Perhaps you read a story and thought, “The ending is way too happy.” Or your mind invented a new character or twist to add. If any story has a sequel and it does not satisfy, write your own!As an author, the best compliment is when someone adds to a work I started. It means I wrote something compelling enough to inspire another person.