Spamming Spammy Spammers
I’ve seen a couple stories now that are just ads for really stupid things that don’t belong on Ficly. Now, I don’t have time to police them or read every story that gets posted (that’s your job). So, I’m asking you to keep your eyes peeled for spam and report it to me, either with a note on Ficly (you can send me one from my author profile) or an e-mail (
I hate spammers and their spammy spam. If it gets worse, I’ll see what else we can do, but in the meantime, please just point it out to me and I will deal with it with extreme extremeness.
In other news, tomorrow, March 10th, is The International Day of Awesomeness, a holiday I invented a few years ago and may have mentioned before. I welcome all who wish to celebrate it with awesome awesomeness. The site has more details on the who, what and why of the silly holiday.
I now return you to your regularly scheduled schedules.