
The July New Feature Roundup

Jason and I have been busy working on some features that have kept the feedback site hopping since we launched. I’m happy to say that you can now delete stories (as long as they’re drafts or don’t have any comments, ratings or haven’t been entered in a challenge).

Also, we finally figured out search!! There’s still some work to do to integrate all the little pieces, but the heavy lifting is done. We now have a full-text search engine for stories. To try it out, just hop up there to the search field (it’s between browse and the search button) and search for something. I’m pretty darned happy with the results.

With the launch of the real search engine, we need to find a way to put the tag stuff back on the site somewhere (you can still go to the tag page – but there are no links to it currently) and we need to figure out how best to combine searching for stories, users and challenges.

Stay tuned – the new inspiration stuff and profile redo are on the way. I can’t say when – because I don’t know – but I think those are the next things on the list!


  • Stovohobo

    Great job, guys. Thanks a ton!

  • OrangeOreos (LoA)


  • Marli

    I think you do a top job guys. I’m not a techno geek but I cook a mean meal if ever you are in Australia

  • Memson

    It would be nice to have an API. I could envision an iPhone app or similar, should that be the case.

    Simple API
    List story titles and one line synopsis,
    Retrieve written stories,
    Write new story,
    Save with option to mark as draft.

    That would be sweet!

  • Kevin Lawver

    Memson, we kind of have an API (almost all read URLs have JSON or Atom output) – but not for login yet. I don’t really have the discipline to implement a super-consistent API, or the time to support it. But, it’s definitely on the list of things I want to accomplish on Ficly.

  • THX 0477

    Cool! I could have used that search thing yesterday trying to find my own challenge since I’d forgotten what tags I’d used. Can’t wait to find an excuse to search for something now.

  • ElshaHawk (LoA)

    Great work you guys! Can’t wait for the inspiration page to go live, but having a search option is a nice little gift too, even if it’s not complete.

  • Mighty-Joe Young (A.K.A Strong Coffee)(LoA)

    man you guys are awesome, you dont know how many people just quit writing without this site. It is like if we dont have feed back we have no reason to go on writing. It isn’t the stories its the feedback that is so addictive. I think yall should add the allstar page for people with the most comments like the old site so when newbies log on they can know who to contact to get feed back on their stories. Like you know for sure if you bug these top ten they will read your stuff because they have no other life and waste away in front of ficly.


    Thank you.

  • Kevin Lawver

    Mighty Joe, I have an evil plan for something a lot like that. It’s been on the back burner while we fix bugs and get search and inspiration coming – but it’s on the way.

  • Mighty-Joe Young (A.K.A Strong Coffee)(LoA)

    kewl beans

  • Nathaniel Payne

    Fantastic, guys! I love what you’re doing. Keep it up. Really looking forward to the inspiration being back up and running.

  • Laine Grey

    Thank you guys so much! Everything is going splendidly so far.

  • Mighty-Joe Young (A.K.A Strong Coffee)(LoA)

    p.s. i am partial to evil plans

  • Music-Hearted

    Nice work! I can’t wait for inspiration to be up!

  • Almagesto

    Thanks! A search engine sounds like something incredible to have, and I can’t wait for the Inspiration page to come out.

  • Brebelles {LoA}

    Thanks guys!!!! Your doing AMAZING work. :)

  • Alexa Reed (LoA)

    Kevin, et al, you are doing amazing work, and this is one of the only places that I actually write, so I am indebted to you for that.

    Memson, for an iPod application similar to (but not at all equal) to this, try iStory. It currently costs $.99 (American).