Will You Be My Friend?
It’s the time of year for reflection…
This year was the first that many of my good friends made right here have abandoned our personal chats for their academic pursuits.
This is the first year I feel alone.
Granted, it was always going to happen, all of us being from separate countries and states. Life events were going to get in the way. Even knowing that could not ease the sting.
We’ve always said how much ficly was like a family; the way we really got to know one another, wrote each other into series’, noted back and forth, commented on each others works. We held together while the old site died and this new one was born, then again as the first wave of newbies joined in and ruffled feathers, or others spammed the place up. We stayed in touch during Nano and supported each other when our muses failed.
I miss that.
I never intend for this to be a place gathering cobwebs, and neither should you!
Reach out to each other, comment, rate, review, note, and invite someone to chat. Have I made new friends this year? Yes indeed! Does that mean any of them have taken the place of my old friends? Not in the slightest. I love you all just as much today as ever!
2012 shall be a year of forging new friendships. I will never ever forget the old, nor be unwelcome to renewing contact. My note box is always open.
I’ve noticed a few of the new members have been reluctant to add friends on ficly, unsure what that means. Nothing so deep as I make it sound. It means that their activity will show up on your homepage so you can stalk, I mean follow, all of their wonderful stories and comments. It’s pretty impersonal.
If you want to note someone, do so. Who knows? You might make a friend.