
Hold me...

I wept silently, pain coursing through my fragile frame. I knew I was dying. He knew I was dying. It was inevitable. Swallowing painfully, I slowly glanced up at him. I ran a soot covered, pale hand across his face as a mother would do to her child, or a lover to another. Sadly I choked out, “Hold me…”

Ok, the challenge her is to use the part

Swallowing painfully, I slowly glanced up at him. I ran a soot covered, pale hand across his face as a mother would do to her child, or a lover to another. Sadly I choked out, “Hold me…”

In a story.

Rules are simply as follows:

1. Make it emotional as possible. I am in need of a good cry.

2. have FUN

Well, I trust you.


Challenge Entries