
A man and a woman decide to switch places for a day.

Pretty simple idea here people:

You get two characters. One is supposedly male, female, transexual (up to you really) as long as your second character is a different gender. Then these characters must somehow switch places. Whether this is psychic, cross dressing, extreme plastic surgery or being the mom for the day is really up to you. The point here is to explore gender, and, most likely, make large (probably provocative) choices about something everyone has an opinion about. You must both be creative and courageous.

I do hope this will spark some intelligent discussion and not fighting, but we are on the internet, so I’ll hope for the best. Take it away, my lovely writers.

Challenge Entries

  • The what?

    Author: Luulu

    Published June 29th, 2012

    Average rating: 5 out of 5