
Skipping Words

Theme: Communicate something pretty. As you do, consider that, sometimes, words get in the way. They’re the trees you miss the forest for. They may be at the foreground of writing, but they’re not the only tools you have to work with. Though tone of voice, music, and images are technically absent from a piece of writing, it is possible to imply them. the challenge I propose to you is to try to do this by paying more mind to communicating the suggestion of those less tangible things : time, flow, tone, images. Use lighter words than you normally would (even if you do already). That’s the only thing I ask of you here. Try to think of something to write about that would be easier to communicate without words altogether and start from there. With that starting point you’re pretty set. Anything counts there’s no minimum or maximum (exc ficly’s limit).

You might think this is quite an unnecessary approach to take to writing, and you know you may just be right. Not all challenges are beneficial.?

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