
Make Somebody's Day

John Perkins originally came up with this challenge back on ficlets, and I was inspired by some comment-age on THX’s recent blog post ( to resurrect the challenge.

Preamble aside, here’s your challenge: Pick a ficly person, any ficly person. Doesn’t matter if you know them or not, just pick someone at random. Go through their archives of stuff, find an orphan branch, comment on it, and sequel/prequel it. Then come back here and tell all of us about it (who’s day you made, the title of the previously-orphan bit and where to find it, and the title of your sequel/prequel and where to find that). You can either tell us about it in an additional ficly or in a comment right here on this challenge.

No deadline; making somebody’s day can’t be done on a deadline, y’know?

Go forth, be awesome, have fun, Force be with you, feliz navidad. All y’all should know the shpeal by now.