
The Unsequellable Dream


Two things have inspired this challenge. Firstly, a friend of mine wrote a ficly (it was very good), but somebody commented that their only criticism was that it was hard to add to. It now has a prequel. And a sequel. In some way, I think this was due to the fact that the possibility had been challenged…

Secondly, the debate over our community collaboration in response to the latest blog post got me thinking, and led to the formation of this challenge.

It is twofold. First, I challenge you all to write a story that is then challenging to sequel or prequel – I trust you all not to write TOO short, or not in the spirit of Ficly, but nonetheless, make it tricky…

Secondly of course, your challenge is to do the impossible – and sequel SOMEBODY ELSE’S unsequellable story! Oh, and I think it would be best not to plan any collaboration in advance…

Prizes for the best unsequellable story, and, if you manage it, the best sequel/prequel…


Challenge Winner

Challenge Entries