
Someone Else's Place

Have you ever wanted to read a story about the place where you live, written by someone for whom that place seems exotic and far away? Here’s your chance.

In a comment, post links to one or more photographs of a place that’s very, very familiar to you. It could be your house, or a house you used to live in as a child, or a place you walk through every day. Outdoor is better than indoor. I’d prefer if you don’t explain the pictures too much, but a brief comment is OK.

Then write a story set in a place someone else has photographed, or at least in a fictional place that looks exactly like the place in the photographs. In other words, write a story for which the photographed scene would make the perfect film location. (You can make the person who posted the pictures a character if you really want to, but you’re not expected to.)

Unofficially, I encourage you to pick a location that’s very different from your own. For example, if you live near a desert, consider writing about a place with snow in it.

Challenge Winner

  • A Kiss

    Author: Mackizme

    Published November 9th, 2009

    Average rating: 5 out of 5

Challenge Entries