
Murder 101

’Tis the season to be jolly, fah lalalala lala la l—-

Yes, this time of year is usually filled with happy thoughts as we buy gifts for each other, make contact with old friends and acquaintances, perhaps for even the only time in the year we do make contact, and many of us take holidays and go on vacation.

I’ve got no problem with that. I love Christmas time.

But give me a good sneaky murder, a depraved act of seemingly meaningless violence, or a well-thought-out act of revenge just for a little balance.

This challenge is brought to you by inspiration from this entry into another challenge I started: Give us your best effort at a textual representation of murder. It could be full of action, full of motivation, full of sickly psychotic semblances of an alternative reality, or it might just be thoughts of a wish (a Christmas wish?)…

It will be even better if this is not your preferred topic of writing. Go on, stretch your creative muscles.

Challenge Entries