Memorial Day Challenge
Memorial Day is here again folks. Time to remember the people who chose the way of the gun. Time to pour a little booze out in libation for the ones who listened to the call and paid the ultimate price.
So, while you’re spending the Summer’s first three day weekend in the sun, drinking cold beer, and sizzling some meat above some charcoal, take some time to think about those who gave their lives in service to our country. (Or your country, I know there are plenty of non-Americans here who probably don’t have “Memorial Day”)
In keeping with the spirit of the holiday, I want some stories about men and women in the military who give everything.
They don’t have to be patriots who believe in the cause to the last breath, or even volunteers. They don’t even have to be combat soldiers. I just want some well written stories about dying for your choice to serve, or your choice to not dodge the draft.
Bonus for ficly’s written about actual persons.