Oo-rah is the Marines. The Army would say “Hooah”. Imagine a sort of grunt/warcry and you’re not far off. However, I’ve never met anyone from SF who went around saying it. SF doesn’t get a lot of the big flowery speeches about glory and democracy. They don’t do a whole helluva lot of sitting around bored in comparison to other soldiers. Very motivated guys. A combat deployment would be more than six. And, because I’m nitpicking the shit out of this, house to house fighting wouldn’t take very long in a village.
@ DH… The battle at Keshendeh had 6 SOF on the ground with the Northern alliance soliders and 7 others in the hillside coordinating the bombing. So I fudged there number a little bit :)
Once again, did not look at the challenge associated, so I totally did not see the zombies coming. I suppose zombies are like the Spanish Inquisition that way—no one expects them. I liked the gritty feel to it, despite the factual nitpicking.
I was originally going to write this about women in extremist religions being mindless and zombie like (I was thinking along the lines of LDS polygamy, or Taliban) But it mutated into what it currently is…real zombies.
@Hillbilly – woah I’m impressed and slightly terrified at your knowledge of the taliban. This was a good piece. A very interesting style. Well written again, Krully