
love's awakening

She smells something different in the room… different yet familiar. In her sleep fogged brain she tries to decide whether she is dreaming or there is definitely someone else in the room. Her exhausted body will not let her dwell on it though and she starts to drift away to dreamland. A rustle of the curtains wake her up and she jumps out of bed. She turns on the light and there is no one in the room. She goes back to bed and finds the letter under her pillow. After reading it over and over again, she decides that it was from her math teacher. The only way to explain it was he had paid her little brother to place it under her pillow. She had seen the way he looked at her or the way he lingered by her side when he walked around in class. At the time she had thought that she was just seeing what she wanted to see since she had a big crush on him. She rehearsed what she would say to him over and over again the next time she saw him before finally drifting off to sleep with a big smile on her face…

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