
"I told you so."

Rocks slip underfoot. Soft and warm, soothing water laps at my toes, pulls at my heart. The sunset glances off the water, sends stones of light skipping off the surface. Below… who knows what is below. But the surface looks perfect. Maybe that’s the world as a whole. Nothing’s certain anymore.
I know I am alone, I can feel it in my bones, down deep in my heart. But I wish that you were here with me. I can’t help the feelings surging through my veins, engulfing my head and heart as one. These feelings blur my vision and send me reeling at the power of it all.
On the surface of the water, I see your reflection swaying with the ocean current. As if you were beside me, though I know you are not. As if you were there, comforting me, telling me I’d be okay, telling me you’d be here for me.
Yet, as the last lights sink deep below the waves, you vanish. Leaving me alone in darkness, just hoping you’d come back, so I can rest in your arms and say “I told you so.”
You left me.
Please, come back.

Oh, God. Come back.

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