There was this one mistake at the beginning that was kind of bothering me: Me and Fear sat down at the lunch table together.
Shouldn’t it be “Fear and I” ?? Then there were some spelling mistakes and grammar issues with capitalization. (I don’t know if you meant to capitalize it, but you capitalized “Two”? Was that on purpose?)
Cute visualization of a thougth process and the contribution of the various emotional components. Akitore caught some of the grammar stuff, so I’ll catch a few more. ‘your’ should have been ’you’re’ at least twice up there. And excepted should be accepted. I know the grammar stuff is nitpicky, but it does rob your writing of a fair amount of power via distracting the reader.
Similar is spelt wrong in the first paragraph, but I will forgive you because JAMES is the absolute best name ever and this story is beyond good. Ficly needs to make a “favorite stories” option so I can read this over and over. Yes. Congrats, me gusto mucho!
I agree with the previous comments. The story is good, but the grammar distracts. One other typo in the last section two beautiful girls appeared sitting at me instead of with me.
THX 0477
Abby (LoA)
Pyropunk 51 (PPP LoA)
Raegan Dauterive
The Silence [All By Myself] {LoA}
The Athiest