Great look at the abject misery and retchid state of mind that comes with addiction. I applaud your wholehearted leap into the mindframe.
Wow. Totally agree with THX. Nice work!
I liked it, although the Lou Reed quote was fitting, it seemed to be ancillary to the thought process.
Thanks for the comments! I know what you mean, Krulltar. I was trying to find a way to name the addiction (per the challenge rules) that didn’t seem completely out of place. I agree that it sort of disrupted the flow, but it’s the best I could come up with.
Thanks for the comments!
I know what you mean, Krulltar. I was trying to find a way to name the addiction (per the challenge rules) that didn’t seem completely out of place. I agree that it sort of disrupted the flow, but it’s the best I could come up with.
Wow, this is a really powerful piece. Great work.