
Applied Physics

“Today, students,” the professor said, “we turn our attention to the large transparent globe that has been placed on stage.”

A curtain opened to reveal just exactly that. A perfect sphere, light-blocked on all planes except that observable from the gallery floated seemingly unsupported and motionless before the observers.

“As already discussed,” he continued, “a nanoparticle of element 300 has been magnetically suspended at the exact center of the sphere.”

He shuffled his notes. “If you will be so kind as to put on your glasses.”

A rustling of movement ensued.

He glanced around to assure compliance. “Today, we begin phase one of two phases; expansion. Nuclear detonation on a nanoparticle level is, of course, not dangerous. The particle will explode and expand to 91 percent of allocated space, while contained within the sphere. We will electronically and microscopically observe the process as it is ongoing.”

“If you are quite ready, we shall begin.”

He pressed the remote and said, “Let there be light.”

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