Floating. I’m floating in an infinite, black void. Actually, I’m not sure it’s really black – colorless, maybe? How does one describe Nothing?
I find my bearings – it’s hard to be disoriented when there is no orientation to begin with. I’m still not sure how I got here. The last thing I remember is…floating here. Was there anything before this? How long have I been here? Time has no meaning here with no frame of reference.
At some point, I become aware of a faint prodding in my brain. A voice that’s not quite my own.
“Arthur?” it says, “Arthur, please respond.”
As my consciousness becomes more aware of this voice, it seems to become more and more amplified. Eventually, I even think I can see the words projected in my field of vision.
“Yes! I hear you!” I yell at the voice.
“Josh, turn on the camera.” I hear someone say, excitedly. My vision fills with a picture of a small room full of people in long white coats.
“What’s happening?!” I ask, “Where am I?”
“Friends, meet the ARTificial HUman Robot AI.”