
My lost Love

I saw him form across the table. He seemed shy. He looked boyish with that sad mouth and baby blue eyes. He looked at me and I turned away. Did he like me? Did he think I was pritty? I never really though of myself as someone beautiful. I just sat there and talked to my friends while I thought if I should say hi. I couldn’t bring up enough currage.

Days went by and it seemed like he wasn’t intrested. Than one day as I was just siting in lunch he came by and sat next to me. With short brown hair, clear blue eyes, and a beautiful smile. We talked all period. He had aked me out by the end of the day and I was so happy. He took me to the movies, and we had a blast. I got so comfordable around him, it was like we had been together for years. Than one day I’m not sure why or waht the reason, but I ended It.

I came to school the next day and he had already had another. I was devistated I had no idea what I had done. I was my own falt for leting hime go. And from that day forward I have had to live with my pain.

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