Wow, dude really loved that pinky, eh? I suppose his grip might be a bit weaker… Comes across as a bit insane, to me. I’m not sure if that was what you intended, but it’s not a BAD thing.
Wow, dude really loved that pinky, eh? I suppose his grip might be a bit weaker…
Comes across as a bit insane, to me. I’m not sure if that was what you intended, but it’s not a BAD thing.
5 pencils although you only have 4. Count them. one. two. three. four. five. 5 pencils 4 1 bizarre ficly.
WOO! posted on my birthday! bah ha. It’s so awesomely simple, yet heartfelt, and I like that. Simplicity is good.
WOO! posted on my birthday! bah ha.
It’s so awesomely simple, yet heartfelt, and I like that. Simplicity is good.