
Mad Cow Disease

Eve always thought that her mother was a cruel, cruel woman for naming her after a cow. They lived in Alaska for heavens sake! There were no cows in Alaska. All Alaska had was Sarah Palin and moose. But, according to her mother, Eve’s first and middle names (Carrie and Besty) were names of the cows that her mother had when she was young. When Elle Eveston was Elle Forner, she lived on a dairy farm in Tennessee. Carrie and Besty were her two favorite cows in the world, and Elle cried the day they had to be euthanized because they had bovine spongiform ecephalopathy, or mad cow disease. So, in honor of her favorite cows, she named her daughter Carrie Besty Eveston. There was a reason that Eve just went by the name Eve. It wasn’t because it sounded all mysterious and scary. No. The reason why Eve smacked anyone who called her Carrie or, God forbid, Besty was because she didn’t want to be named after cows. In Eve’s opinion, her mother was the mad one, not the cows.

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