A Guide on How to Defeat Depression: Preface
For some time now, it has been a goal of mine to write a guide on how to avoid the black void of depression. Why, you ask? Because, I know the detrimental effects of depression. It can make someone completely unrecognizable to themselves and other people. It creates an endless pit of hopelessness out of which nothing good comes.
I want to communicate my knowledge and experiences of depression in hope that I can teach others to avoid it. Yes, depression is avoidable. One only needs to know how to go about avoiding it. It is not an easy path to take, because there are many twists, turns and challenges which will attempt to destroy your endeavors for happiness.
In parts of this series, I will be referencing God exclusively. If you are an atheist, I still encourage you to read this series.
Before I begin, I would like to dedicate this entire series to Amber. You may know her better as .:Band Baby:. Without her, I would not have realized many of the things which I have now.