Okay, totally did not get the ending, especially as we were following Spongebob as he got up and heard the news from the squirrel. Very hard to follow in general, as it is all in one massive paragraph (standard convention is to start a new paragraph at least with each line of dialog from a different character). You also switched between and present and past tense a lot.
Alright. I get the ending. Squidward ended up murdering both.
Was very hard to follow, as was previously mentioned, because lack of separation. It was hard to see who was talking and what was happening.
Also, the characters dont seem to really match the show. I mean, if anything Pearl would be the one crying seeing as Sandy rarely talked to or was around Mr. Krabs. Secondly, Spongebob character seems pretty normal, whereas he is really upbeat and jolly character.
It also does seem to move from past tense to present tense at random times, which doesnt really go along with the story.
The plot line was pretty interesting, but you could’ve done a better job adressing everything and making it a bit more dramatic, seeing as no one seemed to try and investigate Mr.Krabs’ death.