
Mother Natures Witch!! 2

I put all the flowers in my basket, that made me look like red riding hood.I walked along the side walk to come across a cute little pet shop with a black and white,bunny with a pink nose in the window.I could just read his lips, let me out some one please. I walked in the store to get a closer look. “Um excuse me but how much is that bunny in the window”. "well he’s been there for a while and no one really wants him,so…take him.
“really, for free” I said in a shocked voice. I took him from the small window and put him in my basket next to the beatuiful flowers. He laid down, but then he started eating one of my flowers. Hey stop that i wispered to him. He stoped right away, but then started again. Hum, I think I’ll call you chompers, I said. Now stop that or you’ll get a belly ache. He stopped and fell asleep in my apperenty comfortable basket, I petted him. We reached the gate to my house, I opened it but then chompers jumped up in excitement.

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