My Wish
I looked up into the night sky over the bridge, leaning on the railing as cars whizzed past behind me. The sky was dark except for one bright star exactly above me. I stared up at it, considering making a wish, even though everyone knows that wishes don’t come true. I stared at it for what felt like forever, then whispered the words my mother had taught me so long ago.
“Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight. Star, I wish that I could become a horse.”
I could’ve sworn for just a minute that the star winked like a cloud had passed over it, and then shone brighter, before becoming normal again. Something deep in side of me awoke, and for a minute I heard the distant sound of a neighing horse before it faded. My eyes closed and I slumped to the ground, stopped only by a policeman’s tight grip on my shoulders. I stared into shockingly blue eyes as his gaze lifted and he set me on the ground, spinning and calling out, “Paramedic!”