I like the topic and enjoy your writing style, but IMHO this is coming across as a Disney version of Showgirls. The names are too common (very few go by stacie or mary or karen, ect) and there’s no one doing blow backstage.
I kind of agree with Krulltar, a lot of strippers go by stage names and drugs are often present. idk from personal experience tho lol but I’d think there would be at least one girl taking a handfull of painkillers to take the edge off of her nerves. Then there’s usually a woman who’s in her late 30s or early 40s, still stripping and the young’ins usually pity her.
Yeah, it’s common practice for strippers to have stage names, it is more unusual to NOT have one, because of the Creep factor in strip club clientelle. And so far in my experiences, every single stripper is introduced, and generally with superlatives from the DJ too. And what Raegan said is spot on too.
Ha! In what state? You only have to be 18 to be a stripper in every club I’ve been in so far. Same is true for making porn, and that’s throughout the U.S.A.
Alright, ignorance is a valid excuse. Anyway, I’m hanging on for more in this series! You’ve got a good thing going on here.
18 is considered an adult, still a teen, but legally an adult and they can do more things.
As I said before. Fiction town, fiction world, fiction life. Anything is possible here, so everything you know about strip clubs, doesnt apply in Stacie’s world.
but realistic fiction is more believable with realistic details, they were just trying to help. Nevertheless it is your story, and your character to name. Fishnet panties sound uncomfortable.. hmm unless it was more of a mesh.. and I like the ending, where she chooses who to woo.