The Old House on St. Godson Street Part 7
“Tyler? Shawn?” Mary said stunned. It was two of her friends.
“We heard lots of screaming, so we came over to see what happened,” Tyler said, “where is the others?” Mary started to sob again. Shawn hugged Mary, trying to calm her down. After she stopped they asked her again.
“The others are dead. He killed them,” Mary whispered. The boys exchanged confused glances, wondering who she’s talking about.
“Who?” Shawn asked.
“Mr.Ronson,” Mary whispered.
“The dead guy?” Tyler asked. Mary nodded. Shawn was about to say something, but was cut off by a moaning. Mary’s eyes widened.
“He’s coming,” she whispered, “I don’t want to die. Not like the others.”
“Lets go,” Tyler said. The guys helped her up, and then once they got into the hall, there was a blasted of cold air. Mary covered her ears, to something only she could hear.
“Make them stop. Make the screaming stop!” Mary cried. There was another moan. Suddenly, Mary stopped screaming. Her face twisted in a horrible grimace.
“Leave now, or die,” her voice was hollow.