
Extra, Extra! Read all about it!

George McGraw, Captured At Last

The fiendish rapist and sex trafficker George McGraw has finally been caught. Women all over the city are breathing a huge sigh of relief as reports go out that he has finally been jailed.Police interviews have revealed that they’d known where his lair was for a long time and that they were waiting for the oppurtune moment to strike. Inside were 15 young girls, aging between 14 and 26. These girls are traumatised and are receiving councilling from experts. They shall remain anonymous and be placed under police protection for as long as they live. The details of the raid are shaky but it has been rumoured that the police opperated of their own accord o bring this criminal to justice.

Zoe tutted and folded the paper, placing it back on the shelf. No mention of any secret agents or undercover missions. Still. Zoe started walking down the street. No secret agent ever gets public recognition for what they’ve done.

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