
Searching for my Inner Lost Girl.... II

Maybe I spent too much of my 20’s in my own personal Neverland, refusing to grow up. An unexpected pregnancy thrusted me out into the real world pretty quick. For a while I was content to explore this new adventure. But lately I have been looking for my shadow, not unlike Peter Pan, missing my beloved past times and adventures. A shadow of my former self.

I know my shadow’s name – “Bridgett”. She is the general of armies and a soulful poet. She takes up her pen for the cause and dances as a way of life. Bridgett’s not perfect – she’s moody, irrational, and prone to releasing the waterworks and has a wee bit of a temper. But her purity makes her lovable to all that know her. She giggles behind her hand and blushes at risqué jokes. She’s shy with strangers and tends to hide behind the person she trusts.

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