
LIFE: A Memoir 5

I sat down in my assigned seat and tried to ignore the fact that she was there. Right next to me. Oh. Ma. Gawd. I kept glancing next to me, wondering what she was thinking of me. My thoughts were interrupted by the teacher. “Okay class, today were going to get on the lap tops and go to this website..” She trailed on. I looked over at the girl and she caught my eyes looking at her. “Hi”, I said. She looked at me for a second and then said, “Hey. What’s your name again?”, she asked me. “Sam. So what do we have to do?” I asked. To be honest she looked as confused as me. “I don’t even fuckin’ know dude. I just fuckin hate school.” I thought to myself, what’s with the f bomb? So, this girl turns out to be a bad kid. But if this bad kid was willing to talk to me, than I definately want to be friends with her.

Since I have to walk to and from school, I decided to walk with her and her friends, since she lives like right down the street from me. I kind of liked her friends, but they were also a bunch of stupids.

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