

We grow, we shrink. We rise, we fall. We live, we die. We love, we hate. We like, we dislike. This is what makes humans humans. But what makes a human a human? What makes a dog a dog, what makes a cat a cat? Why do some things hate each other and other things hate each other? Why am I repeating myself, and why are you repeating me? Say the words in your head, the words echo in your heart.

So, so. Really, now, really. Why, why. What, what. Who, who. How, how. When, when. Were, were.

Now there is a question, a question of were that is the question. Were what? Were who? Were why? Were anything at all? See, these are questions one must ask themselves are they to be human. And if you aren’t human, what are you? And if you aren’t something, what are you? And if you’re nothing, the question still is, what are you?

Questions, questions. Now I must really seem like I am repeating myself. But questions are such a wonderfull thing, aren’t they, think not? Questions, anwsers, repeat, basic, advanced… Pretty words.

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