
A New Hope

As the wheels hit the runway, she felt nervous, beyond anything she’d ever felt before. She’d come this far, more than two thousand miles on this last leg of the trip alone, to try to find someone who didn’t want to be found. And yet she knew, more surely than she knew her own name, that he was here in Mexico City, and he’d be happy to see her once he figured it out, once she explained …

She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t even know the plane had landed. The flight attendant tapped her shoulder, looking confused. “Señora? Hemos aterrizado en la Ciudad, necesamos que Usted salir el avión, por favor.”

“No hablo español,” she replied. This was not especially true, but she didn’t want to risk being distracted by the flight attendant as she began gathering her luggage.

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