You deserve a huge high five! You have my respect forever! Did you really say that?
God! That guy is such a jerk! Congratz on finally standing up to him! I agree with a tinkerbelle but like a thousand more high fives!xxx
:) nice!
Awesome, I wish I could do that.
Hahaha. That wasnt really me! The power of story telling! I could only wish I had that level of confidence.
Hahaha. That wasnt really me!
The power of story telling!
I could only wish I had that level of confidence.
I sorta used your theme, I don’t think I pulled it off as well as you did. High fives.
Yes, high fives all around lol :D This is one of those moments where you leave the other person in shock and all they can say is “Oh yeah? Well uh…” and give a blank stare lol
Someone could actually sequel. I can see this story going places!