
When she smiles

“So, Miss Hollie, where to now?”

I asked her halfway hoping she would give me some direction, and at the same time hoping she wasn’t one of those dinner and a movie type of girls.

“Well, I was hoping you would make all those important decisions” she said smiling. "I’ll be the follower and you can be my

“Stunningly handsome and mysterious vegetarian vampire boyfriend” I chimed in doing what I thought was a Robert Pattison face.

She started laughing. I couldn’t help but smile. It was her laugh. It wasn’t the least bit obnoxious. It was cute. It was comforting. She was beautiful. And to think I almost let my ex-girlfriend talk me into not coming on this date.

“I was going to say leader but if that’s what your into” she said, still recovering from her fit of laughter.

“Don’t worry that’s far from what I’m into” I said taking her hand. “I know the perfect place”

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