Brutal, and starting to sound like some horrible, future war. Did I catch that right that this individual has a younger sibling at this point. It’s all neat stuff, and it’s obvious you have a tone bubbling along in your brain. Borders to trying to fit too much in too quickly, but I know how the character limit can do that to you.
not sure if I intend the boy to have a younger sibling. oh and at first i was unsure if i wanted the character to be a boy or girl, but i decided the rooms were co-ed, to add to the humiliation.
I assumed she was a girl, as well, mostly because in the first segment, it seemed as if the whole compound was for women, until you threw a boy in there. Just my two cents.
THX 0477
ElshaHawk (LoA)
ElshaHawk (LoA)
OrangeOreos (LoA)
The Silence [All By Myself] {LoA}