Enigma XT23
“Enigma, what is the estimated time of arrival?” I asked in the eerie quiet.
The computer responded “The craft will reach your destination in approximately four hundred and twenty five years”
“Have the others already gone into hyper sleep?” I asked, as the darkness fell even more.
“Yes, Henry, the twelve other crew members entered the hyper sleep chambers at 14:23.”
“Yes, Henry?”
“Avert course, return to Earth”
“Henry, conditions on Earth are deemed uninhabitable. Upon entering the atmosphere of planet Earth, the average human would die in approximately forty-five seconds. Would you like to return to the human colony on Mars?”
“Enigma, please set course for Earth”
“I highly sugg-”
“I command you to set your courses to Earth”
I waited a few minutes in the dead silence of the ship. Soon, I felt a turn.
“Course changed. New destination : Earth. Estimated time of arrival: two months”
I leaned back in my chair and kept my mind straight. I fear what I am looking for is already gone…