

He always thinks of her when he hears this song … and this time, he’ll let his thoughts carry him away.

… just close your eyes and count to five, let’s craft the only thing we know into surprise …

He can’t think why, the lyrics bear only the slightest relation to anything in reality … his reality at least.

… i’m shaking and i’m still, when your eyes meet mine i lose simple skills, like to tell you all i want is now …

But she’ll never hear it. She’s perfectly happy in her life now, without knowing. Why would she want to change that?

… i’m just not the same as i was a year ago, and each minute since then …

But even if he’s right, if she doesn’t want to know … “Hope is … not the same as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out.”

… you say you’ll sew me good as new, and I know you will.

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